This post might end up being the cheesiest thing in the world, but it must be done. It must be done because today marks Nap Snack Read’s two-year blogaversary! 730 That’s right . . . 730 days where I have written all my thoughts on the great acts of literature that I have read. I am honestly so happy that my dad pushed me to start Nap Snack Read as a stupid little hobby, which turned out being s lot more.
Ok, cheesiness is over! It’s time to announce the winners of the Guardians: The Girl Giveaway! This was my first giveaway, and I appreciate those who participated. It meant a lot. I also want to thank the author, Lola St. Vil, for all her help on this little project. Thanks Lola! Well here are the winners! Congratulations to . . .
Adriana D.
Lindsay C.
If you read this, you will be receiving an email with your prizes tonight. I hope you guys enjoy the books!
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