John Michael Cummings
168 pages
Jason Stevens is a teen-aged boy growing up in historic Harper's Ferry, West Virginia. His father is hard to please, and the tourists never seem to leave. All the while, Jason is forever unraveling stories about his family, and the town he thought he knew everything about.
Cummings' new novel is made up of several short stories, all based upon the same main character. The only drawback to this novel is that it lacks a central plot line. That drawback can be easily overlooked though as clear descriptions and metaphoric phrases are not shy. The reader will have a painting in their mind drawn in by phrases like these: "Mrs. Grove had hair as red and frizzy as a copper wire." , "As I wrapped on the paint-blistered door of Rusty's whitewashed shack" , and "All around now were the greenest, picture-perfect expanses of transplanted grass, stabbed with shiny power-line polls,".
Jason's character is unique and engaging, again created in the reader's mind with details and imagery. Readers will be attracted to his distinct voice and care-free way of acting.
Written in first person, Jason's complicated life of confusing girls, unlikely jobs and failing grades, clearly depicts the lifestyle of a rural town, and the challenges that growing up has to offer.
Overall, Ugly to Start With was a good read, and I would like to thank the author for giving me the opportunity to read and review his book before its published date.
Look for Ugly to Start With, on shelves near you this fall.
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