Stephenie Meyer
629 pages
With ice in my heart, I watched him prepare to defend me. His intense concentration betrayed no hint of doubt, though he was outnumbered. I knew that we could expect no help - at this moment, his family was fighting for their lives just as surely as he was for ours.
Eclipse has to be my favorite so far in The Twilight Saga. This novel dealt mostly with the battle within Bella herself, allowing the reader inside her decisions, actions, and thoughts. Meyer has a signature way of capturing her reader, and holding them hostage within the pages of the book for the time it takes them to read it, as well as after they turn the final page...
The way I judge the greatness of a book though, is by how long it takes to come back to reality.
My only complaint of this book is again the fact that its highly climatic scene did not come until almost the very end, therefore, the scene was over in just a few pages or so.
Stephenie Meyer has again created a book just as intriguing, just as suspenseful, and maybe even more addicting than the first two.